Ülevaade Montessori kirjandusest Eesti raamatukogudes

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Pedagoogikaga tutvumiseks

Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work. E. M. Standing.

Essential Montessori. Elizabeth G. Hainstock.*

Maria Montessori. A Biography. Rita Kramer. *

Maria Montessori speaks to Parents. A Selection of Articles by Maria Montessori. *

Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents. Maren Schmidt. *

Montessori Today. A comprehensive approach to education from birth to adulthood. Paula Polk Lillard.

Montessori from the Start. Paula Polk Lillard. *


Teooria põhjalikumaks omandamiseks

The absorbent mind

The Montessori method

The Secret of Childhood

The discovery of the child

From childhood to adolescence

Dr. Montessori's own handbook

The advanced Montessori method: Spontaneous activity in education

The advanced Montessori method: The Montessori elementary material

The advanced Montessori method (mõlemad osad)

Montessori. The Science behind the Genius. Angeline Stoll Lillard.

Understanding the Human Being. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro. *

Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori. Mario M. Montessori Jr. *


Meetodi rakendamiseks

The Montessori Toddler. Simone Davies. *

Teaching Montessori in the Home. The Pre-School Years. Elizabeth G. Hainstock.

Teaching Montessori in the Home. The School Years.  Elizabeth G. Hainstock.

Montessori Read & Write. A Parent's Guide to Literacy for Children. Lynne Lawrence.*